What Causes Hip Disorders?
The hip is a joint with a very wide range of motion, bearing the weight of the body by balancing the spine and the opposite hip also. It can wear out due to its versatile angular use and its shape that vary from person to person. This wear process can be called arthritis (osteoarthritis-coxarthrosis).
Due to excessive use, large and small-scale injuries, fractures, rheumatologic diseases and previous inflammations; the supporting tissues which are called labrum, ligaments or cartilages of the joint become disrupted and non-functioning over time. Our body prevents us from feeling the harmful effects of the wear and tear process, using the backbone, the opposite knee and the opposite hip, for a long time.
When pain, stiffness, swelling and not being able to walk begin to restrict us, we have to get help.
What Are the Treatment Options for Hip disorders?
Treatment varies depending on the amount of tissue injured or worn in the joint, the severity of wear. Pain relief medicines, rehabilitation therapies, intra-articular drug applications can be performed. In order to solve the causes of mechanical constraints, it is necessary to focus on its reasons. Such as a torn and stiffness hip labrum, femoral (cam) and Pincer-type impingement, cartilage regeneration that prevents movement and painful osteoarthritis due to dislocation of the hip.

What is a Hip Arthroscopy?How to perform Hip Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopic and open surgery is a technique that helps us to solve these problems. It is necessary to think about the wear process at one end of the problem and at the other end as a sequence of aggravated diseases. Treatments of simple mechanical problems will be relatively simple surgical operations. For disorders involving severe joint pains and limitations, more precise surgical procedures may be required.
Arthroscopy is a Latin word that means looking at the joint. It is performed by inserting an average of 4 mm thickness of devices through the skin, after the joint was inflated with water.
Hip Arthroscopy is an advantageous method for open surgery because it reduces the duration in hospital,the risk of infection, the amount of postoperative pain and poor cosmetic appearance due to the small size of the skin cuts and little damage to the tissues.
For the application of this method, a trained team and special surgical equipment are required. Hip Arthroscopy is rarely performed operation because of the rarity of diseases in this region, it is a successful and effective surgery with appropriate patient selection.