Shoulder Arthritis

What is Shoulder Arthritis?

Arthritis of the shoulder is a disease that causes deterioration in the shape of the glenoid and humerus bones. Cartilage and bone deterioration may cause complications like a limitation of mobility and pain at rest in later periods. Some diseases and situations that affect the natural lubricity of the joint like incorrectly healed fractures, rheumatoid arthritis and timely untreated rotator cuff tears, lead to calcification in the joint.

Why Does Shoulder Arthritis Occur?

- Shoulder Arthrozis
(Primary Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis)

- Inflammatory Diseases
(Arthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.)

- Post Traumatic Arthrozis
(Calcifications after fracture healing and dislocations)

- Arthrozis after rotator cuff tear

How to Treat Shoulder Arthritis?

Although patients benefit from preventive therapies (physical therapy and rehabilitation - drug treatment - limitation of activities) in the early stages, they cannot move their arms due to the increased restriction level in the following periods.
Studies have shown that young patients who have no advanced arthritis in their joints, but whose daily movements are restricted can benefit from arthroscopic capsular release and debridement surgery.
Shoulder prosthesis surgeries for changing the joint due to increased cartilage damage at advanced levels of arthritis are a suitable solution for patients.

Total Shoulder Arthroplasty


Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty

For different causes of arthritis (revision of prosthesis surgery, fractures with dislocations accompanying with poor bone structure and cuff tear) different types of prostheses may be necessary. Rotator cuff tears that not be treated in time or unsuccessful previous treatments were also one of them. In this case to serve as the hinge instead of the rotator cuff, a different design, Reverse Prosthesis is used.
After the surgery, a significant satisfaction is ensured in the patient's life quality and pain level. However, according to various studies long-term success of this type of prosthesis is between 65-85%.

What is Total Shoulder Prosthesis Surgery?
How long does it take to recover from shoulder prosthesis?

In shoulder prosthesis surgery, the muscles and joint capsule are preserved, and the arthritis joint surfaces are replaced with artificial-metal (tissue compatible) joints. In the postoperative period, with the help of physical therapy, movements around the joint and muscle strength are increased to the targeted levels within 3-6 weeks. The shoulder joint works differently from the knee and hip joints. Therefore, the patient's expectation of life quality, calcification level and the quality of the performed surgery are the most important factors for the outcome.
The duration of disease causing calcification may affect the quality of surgery. Approximately 5% of the patients are satisfied with the operations.
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